The Beginning of an Unhealthy Obsession

Thanks to my friend who gave me a beautiful Galentine’s Day present…I have a new obsession! I’ve known about these Alex & Ani bracelets for quite awhile; my sister collects them & has a A LOT. But it wasn’t until my good friend started her collection this past Christmas & I was shopping for her, that I fell in love. Their designs are very classy, simple, and can be very personal. And now I have one, it’s otter that represents friendship & love, so of course I need MORE! I have my eyes on these designs for my birthday:

(photo courtesy of @alexandani instagram)

(Courtesy of Alex & Ani website…check it out HERE)


This obsession may become unhealthy…they have Disney ones, Harry Potter, Wonder woman. My wallet is going to be hating me for a bit 😉


-Blogger Ashley




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