TV Shows You’re Just OVER

We all have those TV shows we can’t get enough of, waiting on bated breath for the next episode. But then all of sudden you are 7 episodes behind and your DVR is getting full of shows you just don’t watch anymore. I came to this realization the other day while going through my DVR, I am 10 episodes behind on Arrow, the Flash and The Walking Dead. Now I still like these shows but my level of interest is going on empty. Either the new season’s plot didn’t grab me or I got so far behind the idea of watching 10+ episodes sounds daunting or I just don’t wanna. Walking Dead is the main one I think I am completely over. The Negan story was amazing at first then got old real quick & now that Carl is getting killed off, I’m good. I’ll probably catch up when this current season goes on Netflix, but I think I’m going stop my series record on my DVR and make room for shows I actually wanna watch.

What show(s) is it for you? You loved it at first & now not so much…

-Blogger Ashley


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