Out With the Old

At the beginning of the year I resolved to let go of things in my life that are unfulfilling or make me happy.  I decided to say “No” to people and events and “Yes” to new, positive, changes.  So far it’s been FREAKING AMAZING!!  Putting mine (and my children) feelings before others makes everyone happier!  #Truth.  When I would agree to something I didn’t really want to do, everyone noticed my negative energy, nobody’s happy, and the stress of resentment was taking a major toll on my body.  After telling a healer “To add fulfillment to my life, I figured out I need to subtract,” she informed me that after subtracting negativity in my life, I need to add positivity to fill the vacant energy.

So I added more sleep, cut out booze by a lot (a lot a lot), added meditation, cut out toxic relationships, added journaling, cut out fast food and added hiking to my life. Since filling my space with phenomenal energy, more opportunities have come my way, I’ve lost weight, I feel fantastic, my mood swings are minimal, and my overall anxiety…… dear lord that’s worth ALL the meditation in the world! My mental well-being is light years more important than the opinions of others.

If you are struggling from anxiety or “do more for others than you do for yourself” syndrome, take a minute and reflect on what’s going on in your life. Are you dating someone you know isn’t for you, but you don’t want to be alone? Do you have a friend in your life who always needs your help, but never makes changes? Do you have a job you hate? Sit down, write it out, reflect, meditate, and ask yourself “What do I have to do to make ME happy?” and DO IT! Everything else will fall into place.

Taking care of yourself is not selfish, it’s crucial.

xoxox Madden



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