Going to See a Movie By Yourself: Weird or No?

Usually going to a movie is a social event. You get together with your friends, family, or a date and check out the latest on the silver screen, but what if you go by yourself…Is that weird? I came across this article where the writer got some backlash from checking out Peter Rabbit by herself. After reading her points, I really related to it because I love seeing movies by myself, but the stigma is real! People view going out to the movies as a social event, and it is fun to go with friends, but we don’t talk during the movie or at least shouldn’t. And what if you’re trying to go with people but you can’t agree on what movie to see? When you go by yourself, you don’t have that problem! Wanna check out Fifty Shades Freed? Do it! Wanna see how awesome Black Panther is? DO IT! I will say the waiting time before the trailers can be a bit boring but with smart phones now, you don’t have that problem. Check your social, play a game, do anything that will keep you entertained. Just remember to turn down your phone when the movie starts.

What do you think: going to the movies by yourself…weird or no?


-Blogger Ashley


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