Category Archives: KHOP Blog

Weirdest Thing in your Car Right Now…

Weirdest Thing in your Car Right Now…

You are not seeing things, that is an electric wok in my backseat as we speak. I believe it’s been there for about a year now…I’m just too lazy to bring it in to my house LOL!MORE

Date Night Bucket List

Date Night Bucket List

Dating is awesome.  I know a lot of people aren’t really into it, or it gives them anxiety (been there), or they jsut don’t understand the “new” way of dating.  **NEWS FLASH**  YOU know what YOU like.  Whether you are 20 or 40, waht you want in a significant other shouldn’t change the way you…MORE

Cake Smash Photo Session as an Adult…YES PLEASE

Cake Smash Photo Session as an Adult…YES PLEASE

Now a days people find any reason of a photo session and why not?! They’re fun & who doesn’t love to get all dressed up & feel all pretty. A big one is for you baby’s first birthday & they get to smash a cake. it’s super adorable but what about if a grown adult…MORE


Concert Calendar

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